GITA 2 Website
Welcome to my website for GITA 2!!!! Feel free to click the links to my various websites, and most importantly, enjoy!!! Revel in their glory!!!!
Russian Misinformation
In this project, we learned more CSS styling and how to format our text.
Technology Project
In this project, we learned how to do rollovers in images, and how to position the text and images.
Business Card
In this project, we learned how to do display websites that fit a phone.
In this project, we learned how to use absolute positioning with CSS.
Merch Project
In this project, we learned how to make textboxes, buttons, calculations, and display boxes in HTML.
Merch Upgrade
In this project, we learned how to make discounts on calculations, and how to use radio buttons.
Dice Simulator
In this project, we learned how to use random number generators and how to apply them to images, in javascript.
Vegas Craps Game
In this project, we learned how to use the skills from the previous project and adapt them to a game setting.
Moving Graphics
In this project, we learned how to move graphics by painting on canvases.
Pinball Simulator
In this project, we learned how to use canvases to make a game.
Comp-Sci X-TREME
This project displays programming as an EXTREME SPORT!!! In this project, we learned how to upload videos to our website and how to use the website and stick to its theme.
Space Invaders
In this project, we learned how to make controllable aspects in a game, while painting it on a canvas.
Circle Bounce
In this project, we learned how to use arrays to display multiple things on a canvas. When the red rectangle touches the circles, it changes them to the same color as the background, making them disappear.
Internet Research Project
This project describes net neutrality, internet censorship, and digital divide. It teaches one how to use templates, and what restrictions you get when using a template.
Submarine Program
In this project, you can move around a submarine. If it gets close to the fish, the fish move out of the way. If the shark touches the fish, it eats them.
Space Invaders Upgrade
In this project, like the previous space invaders, you move around in a ship to destroy the space invaders. However, they now follow you! You use WASD for directional shooting and the arrow keys for movement.
Final Project: Reverse Invasion
In my final project, you play as an Aztec warrior who is trying to fend off the Europeans in the newly established Aztec fort in the center of Granada.